C U R R I C U L U M       V I T A E

PHONE: +(385)1/4854-131
MOBILE PHONE: +(385)98/231-524
E-MAIL: sanja.tafra@odvjetnickiured-tafra.hr

Personal Information

DATE OF BIRTH: 28 May 1960
PLACE OF BIRTH: Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
SEX: female
Marital status: married
Children: two – daughter and son

Professional Experience

2014 Registered conciliator at the Croatian Chamber of Economy – Mediation Centre
2010 Registered conciliator at the Croatian Association of Conciliators
2010 Registered conciliator at the Croatian Bar Association – Mediation Centre
2005 – present: arbiter at the Permanent Arbitration Court – Croatian Chamber of Economy
1985 – present: independent lawyer– member of the Croatian Bar Association since 1985

  • Representation in civil procedures
  • Commercial law
  • Contract law
  • Enforcement procedures
  • Representation in administrative procedures
  • Misdemeanour law
  • Inheritance law
  • Family law
  • Land registry law and real property
  • Labour law
  • ADR- alternative dispute resolution and mediation

1982 -1985 legal trainee with lawyer Milan Vuković in Zagreb


2014 advanced mediator training
2012 advanced mediator training
2010 basic mediator training
1985 passed bar examination
1978-1982 graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb


Articles published in the ˝ODVJETNIK˝ /LAWYER/ journal issued by the Croatian Bar Association on the topic of ˝MEDIATION˝

October 2012
– speaker at the Global Forum of the Mediation Centre of the UIA- Union Internationale des Avocats in Zagreb – topic: ˝Abuse of Mediation˝

Proficiency in Foreign Languages

English: very good speaking and writing skills
German: excellent speaking and writing skills
– completed the course ˝Legal German˝ at the Centre for Languages and Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb
Italian: good speaking and writing skills

“Ius est ars boni et equi.”

Law is the art of the good and the equitable.

Sanja Tafra

Sanja Tafra